101 in 1001

101 in 1001In lieu of traditional resolutions this year, I’ve decided to put together a list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days. This is not an official 101 in 1001, partly because I’m not strictly adhering to the official rules, and partly because I don’t plan to track them publicly through the community website (although I will post updates and progress reports here). If you’d like more info on the official 101 Things in 1001 Days Challenge, you can click here.

My version is mostly made up of things that need to get done that I keep putting off, although I didn’t completely neglect fun and personal growth. There are also a few goals that are about obtaining things rather than accomplishing tasks, but these are things that we need and/or will help accomplish some of the tasks on the list. Also, several things on the list won’t be doable unless/until our income picks back up, but with two and three-quarter years to get it done, I’m going to be optimistic.

So without further ado…

101 Things To Do in 1001 Days

Start date: January 1, 2014

End date: September 27, 2016



  1. Take back my craft room from the cats
  2. Reduce unnecessary belongings
  3. Clean out the garage
  4. Have a garage sale (or as many as necessary)
  5. Give what remains to Goodwill
  6. Clear fallen limbs from yard
  7. Hire a tree service to remove dead trees
  8. Steam clean (or replace) the carpet
  9. Repair/replace the privacy fences
  10. Foundation repairs
  11. Roof repairs
  12. Touch up paint where needed
  13. Add rain gutters and a storm door


  1. Stock 3 to 6 months of food, water and necessities
  2. Learn how to can and preserve food
  3. Organize the kitchen & pantry
  4. Get a pressure canner & canning supplies
  5. Get a food dehydrator
  6. Learn what edible items are available to forage and how to prepare them
  7. Grow a vegetable garden
  8. Get our CCW licenses
  9. Get some laying hens
  10. Learn CPR and first aid
  11. Learn herbal medicine and home remedies
  12. Grow a medicinal herb garden


  1. Start taking purified fish oil again
  2. Get back on a good multivitamin and other supplements
  3. Be able to do a pull-up
  4. Be able to run a 5K
  5. Get thyroid checked and tested for Hashimoto’s disease
  6. Go gluten-free (if I have Hashimoto’s)
  7. Do a better job of sticking to a low glycemic index diet
  8. Floss daily
  9. Get pregnant


  1. Organize paperwork
  2. Shred outdated documents
  3. Get life insurance
  4. Write our wills
  5. Square away debts
  6. Save a 3-month emergency fund


  1. Design & build a custom theme for this blog
  2. Write some knitting/crochet patterns
  3. Do knitting & crochet lessons on YouTube
  4. Start a membership site
  5. Build audience to at least 500 visitors/day
  6. Write an e-book on sensible living
  7. Set up a shop for patterns and crafts
  8. Do a preparedness vlog with Matt
  9. Design & build custom theme for Heat in the Heartland

Writing & Publishing

  1. Publish my short stories
  2. Edit and publish The Hero Factor
  3. Revise and publish my 2010 Nanowrimo novel
  4. Write the sequel to Dominion of the Damned
  5. Write the paranormal romance I outlined last year
  6. Write the steampunk western I also outlined last year
  7. (Re-)develop a daily writing habit
  8. Finish building a book shop on JeanMarieBauhaus.com
  9. Start a fan newsletter/private group
  10. Recruit book ambassadors and street teams


  1. Finish redesigning Bauhaus Online Creative
  2. Find steady writing/blogging clients
  3. Stop writing for Demand Studios & content mills
  4. Create and sell pre-made blog themes
  5. Phase out custom web design, VA and consulting services
  6. Design new business cards
  7. Design (or buy) portfolio website for Matt’s photography
  8. Design business cards for Matt
  9. Get new camera equipment (bounce flash, etc.)
  10. Set up mini photography & video studio in craft room
  11. Replace both of our computers
  12. Set up an online shop for Marzipan Pie
  13. External harddrive for Matt
  14. Clean/organize/back up our harddrives
  15. Back up websites weekly


  1. Find & get involved in a local fellowship
  2. Start giving regularly
  3. Read through the entire Bible
  4. Keep an intercessory prayer list and devote time to it regularly
  5. Actually memorize memory verses

Family and Fun

  1. Read all the books on my nightstand and my Kindle
  2. Go camping
  3. Drive the Talimena Drive
  4. Go back to Eureka Springs
  5. Go back to Blue Hole
  6. Practice my guitar and bass
  7. Write more songs and poetry
  8. Save up for a synthesizer and recording equipment
  9. Check-ups for all the pets
  10. Cook more for the both of us
  11. Eat more meals together through the week
  12. Do 20 minutes a day of housework
  13. Re-pot all of the plants
  14. Create a watering schedule so we’ll stop overwatering the plants
  15. Set up the sewing machine (and use it)
  16. Start meal planning/organizing our grocery lists
  17. Shop farmer’s markets for in-season fruits & veggies
  18. Clean & organize all the closets
  19. Print digital photos and make a physical photo album
  20. Put some art up on the walls already
  21. Build (or buy) a fire pit for the back yard
  22. Make more time for socializing with friends

Want to play along? Leave a link to your list in the comments!