NaNoWriMo 2011

Today kicks off the awesome insanity known as National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short), during which millions of brave souls the world over will attempt to write at least 50,000 words of a novel by month’s end.

If you’ve been following along here, then you know I had wanted to finish my current WIP, Dominion of the Damned, loooong before November arrived, so I could start on something new. And you also know that didn’t happen. So I’m in the Nano Rebel category this year, working to finish a novel that I’d already started. I’m not even worrying that much about my word count this year. If I can just get this book finished, I’ll consider it a win.

That said, I am still keeping count. I don’t think there’s 50,000 words’ worth of story left to tell on my WIP, but if I finish it before month’s end, then I’ll start on something new (most likely the Domnion sequel), so hopefully I’ll still produce at least 50,000 words of output this month. Either way, I’m enjoying the camaraderie that comes with NaNo, and the festivities. As for example, the kick-off party I attended on Sunday, which was really quite pleasant. It seems that after three or four years of these things I’m finally warming up enough to the local crowd to actually open my mouth and be chatty. I know, right?

I have some craft- and costume-related posts planned for soonish, but I’ll be squeezing them in when I can find some time after my word count’s done for the day, so don’t look for posting here to be any less sporadic than usual any time soon. And if you’re embarking on the ‘Wrimo odyssey yourself this month, let me wish you good luck, and happy writing!