(Originally posted to Daydream Believer)
Wow, would you look at that date? July is almost done for already. It was kind of a long month for me, so it didn’t fly by quite as fast as all the others have, but it still flew. Next time I blink Husband will be back in class and my TV shows will be back on and it’ll be time for ‘WriMo, and I’m already starting to think about Christmas knitting projects.
So what does all of that have to do with today’s links? Dear reader, I am here to tell you: not a blessed thing. I will stop rambling about the obvious now and get to them. These are all videos, but I’ll be kind to your bandwidth and only post the links:
First up is Participate: The Revolution of Fan Culture, a short documentary that features a certain ginger-haired geek demigod who has absolutely nothing at all to do with any of the links below. I’m watching it now, and it’s nothing new, really, but it’s still fascinating. And I’m wondering now how many participants in fan culture, especially the more obsessive ones, skew toward the Autistic spectrum. I wish I made that connection back when it was time to do my senior psych-soc thesis.
If the above only whetted your appetite for more of Teh Whedon, you can go watch the Comic-Con Dollhouse panel.
And if that only whetted your appetite for more Franz Kranz (Topher!), you can go watch him in this hee-larious trailer for his upcoming web series, Megabot, which takes a look at a Power Rangers-like group ten years later, when they’re still stuck wearing their colored spandex and driving a giant robot, even though they kind of hate it and each other. NSFW without headphones.
AND if your main reaction to the DH panel was “Where’s Miracle Laurie (November-Mellie!)?!” you can go watch her and James C. Leary (Clem!) in their trailer for another upcoming web series, a musical comedy about cab drivers in space, The Cabonauts. A little more SFW …but I’d still wear headphones.