So this weekend (around 5PM on Saturday, to be somewhat more precise), this happened:

And there was so very much rejoicing.
The final word count came in at just under 72K, which is shorter than I thought it would be, but it took a turn toward the end that I think is much better than what I’d originally planned (note: just because you outline doesn’t mean your books won’t surprise you), and it felt right to end it where I did, with enough resolution to tide the reader over while leaving plenty to anticipate for Book 3.
But it still has to go through revisions, and while there’s no doubt some stuff will get cut, there’s also a good chance some stuff will get added, so who knows what the final word count will be.
Although I’d originally hoped to have it ready in time for Halloween, in order to leave plenty of time for proper editing, the release date is getting pushed back to December. But considering last week was July 4th and it’s already Labor Day and Halloween is practically next Tuesday, December will be here before we know what hit us.
In the mean time, there’s still plenty of time to read Book One, Dominion of the Damned, during its limited free run on Wattpad, and to get your friends hooked on this series!
I appreciate your blog about heat stroke in dogs. I was on the way home from a street fair, and although I was giving my yorkie , lots of water, he was panting uncontrollably. I read your article, put him in front of the air, wet his paws, gave him water, put him in about 1 in cool water at home, and took his temperature. He is resting now, but I am checking on him. Needless to say, I have never been so afraid fir him, and thought , he could have a heart attack. In this heat, I think, I’m going to leave him home next time.
I’m so glad he’s doing better! I have a Chihuahua and it’s amazing how quickly these tiny guys can get overheated. I know how scary that is. I’m glad my article helped. Thanks for letting me know. Prayers that he makes a full recovery!