Author of spooky, fantastical and swoony fiction and blogger of high strangeness.
I’m being run through a bit of an emotional wringer today. It started this morning with a terribly upsetting dream about my mom, the details of which I don’t even want to revisit except to say that I had to call her after just to hear her voice and make sure she’s okay. I still […]
Read More »Because I am utterly useless today, and this meme allowed me to waste an hour looking at shiny things: 1. Answer each of the questions below the cut using the [Flickr] search engine. 2. Choose a photo from the first three pages. 3. Copy the URL of your favorite photos [here]. 4. Then share with […]
Read More »In case you missed it, I give you the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Rickroll: Now nobody has an excuse to not know what Rickrolling is. …which probably means that this meme has breathed its dying breath. Still, how awesome is Rick Astley for having enough of a sense of humor to personally Rickroll the entire nation […]
Read More »Because what is Thanksgiving without a thankfulness list? ♥ My job, because I need it. ♥ My husband, who is awesome and sweet and handsome and a fantastic cook and who texts me love notes and updates on the pets all day. ♥ Last week’s Survivor, which featured the best Tribal Council EVAR that is […]
Read More »Okay, first off, I am not bulimic. But apparently, if I was, this is how you could tell: my eyeballs would be totally bloodshot and I would have tiny red dots all around my eyes from blood vessels erupting from the strain of making myself gag forcefully. I now know this because I just ate […]
Read More »If I don’t learn to make better use of the time I’m given, I’ll never amount to anything. If I don’t learn to do a better job of making time for the people in my life, eventually I won’t have any people in my life. To say that we’re one missed paycheck away from homelessness […]
Read More »It’s an incredibly slow day at the office, which would be perfect for running up my word count, except that my allergies are making me absolutely miserable, and that’s all I can seem to think about. So maybe if I let myself whine here a little I’ll be able to suck it up and get […]
Read More »We live in scary times, yo. It seems like every day I’m hearing another sad story about someone losing their job, and those stories are beginning to have fewer degrees of separation. The circle is closing in, going from affecting total strangers, to people I kinda-sorta know, to people I know quite well and have […]
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