Dream Child progress, and a new title

I ended up being too scatterbrained yesterday to get any editing done, but today I made good headway on my novelette-length short story, Dream Child.

Among other things, I settled on a new title to replace the working title, and that new title is Hungry Child. I think that sounds a little more ominous, don’t you?

I originally wanted to cut a few thousand words and get it short enough for possible submission to some short story horror markets before going the self-pub route with it, but I keep adding new stuff, including entire new scenes. I think they make the story stronger, but they’re keeping it firmly in novelette territory.

I’ve got about four more scenes to edit, assuming I don’t add any more new ones, and then I’ll be looking for beta readers. While that’s happening, I’ll work on a cover design, and then do a final story edit followed by a line edit and formatting.

And then I’ll publish that puppy. I’m thinking one more week (or two, depending on how busy my clients keep me this week).

Meanwhile, I’m still plugging away on DotD. 567 words today, for a grand total of 14,305. Not bad for under three weeks of work.