I did not finish the novel yesterday. Or today, either. Morale at the office has just been too low to be able to focus on it. But there is still the weekend, wherein it will get finished. Oh yes, it will.
I’m hoping to get Husband to take a break long enough, either tonight or tomorrow, to go Christmas tree shopping. He has finals coming up next week, though, so that might not be too likely. Especially since my mom’s coming for dinner tomorrow and he’s cooking. Oh well, at least maybe I can get her to go tree-stand and light shopping with me tomorrow night, so that all Husband will have to do is come with me to the garden center and point at a tree. Although if we picked it out before my mom got there, I’d have somebody to help me unload it off the truck and carry it in, which would be nice. If not, I’m sure Husband will figure out a way to help me, though. He’s usually good at that.
I’d like to start blogging again next week — real blogging, on actual blogs, not rambling away about whatever like I do here–which means I’d like to squeeze in time to tweak my blog designs. Sparkle Motion could stand to be cleaned up and streamlined, and I’m still contemplating a name change. And The Bauhaushold Report needs a full-on re-design, which I probably won’t have time for until my vacation (in two weeks! Yay!). Then again, I’ve still got a ton of knitting to do, and with the cheapskate setting that our thermostat is usually set on, my cold, sluggish fingers are taking longer to get it done than I would like. Since that actually has a deadline, I guess it ought to take precedence over the blog tweaking.
And now I’ve killed enough time that I can duck out of here and head home. Have a great weekend, everybody.