Welp, we made it through the first full week of 2021. And what a week. 2020 is sitting on the bench, holding this year’s beer and looking impressed.
Anyhow, I managed to keep going all week despite all of the distractions, a feat for which I’m giving myself a pat on the back. I finished two freelance articles, kept my commitment to blog every day, and also managed to add a few thousand words to the novel. All that while managing to keep our house in decent order, along with help from Mr. B. The only thing I slacked off on this week was exercise, mainly because it’s been cold and dark and that triggers my instinct to cocoon inside blankets and move as little as possible. We did get out and rake leaves on Tuesday, though, so I wasn’t a total sloth.
Aside from all of the political craziness and managing to be consistent with my writing all week, the highlight of this week was getting a big bouquet of roses and a sympathy note from Chewy.com, which you can read more about over at my pet blog. Oh! And before I forget, you can grab a free copy of Desolation, the first book in my Dominion trilogy, in the January Book Bash over on My Book Cave. While you’re there, enter to win a $30 ebook gift card!
As for Revolution 2, I’m still on that big chapter I mentioned in Monday’s post, but I’m making decent progress on it. Once my article writing is out of the way for a while, I’ll be able to work on it for more than twenty minutes a day. I’ve still got to squeeze in today’s sprint, but after that I’m done for the weekend. This has been an exhausting week already, and I need a break. Tomorrow I’m planning to stay offline, ignore the news, and spend a lot of time with my Bible, praying for this country. Last weekend we started marathoning the Hobbit trilogy, but didn’t have time to finish, so hopefully tomorrow’s agenda also includes watching the rest of Five Armies, which I have never seen.
What are you up to this weekend? Tell me in the comments!
This weekend, I plan to research becoming an online reading tutor (at the recommendation of my sister), finish decluttering my closet, clean, work on a budget, and other grownup stuff. But I also will read, maybe finish The Queen’s Gambit, and of course – online church, Bible study, and prayer.
Yay for grown up stuff! I hope you manage to get some rest in the middle of all that weekend adulting, though.
Love the newsy post. It’s great to hear what’s happening in your realm and with Mr B also!
Among other things I’m reading, Mansfield Park (again).
I haven’t read that one! I guess I need to. I think I have it on my Kindle.
I’ve been trying to get on FB more often and keep up with the Hull clan. We miss you all!