Winning, Recovery and Other Odds & Ends

…or, “Where the *@%! Has Jean Been?!” November was a heck of a month, y’all. As if NaNoWriMo wasn’t enough to keep me busy, about a week and a half into that my freelance business started to pick back up, and before I knew it I had more clients and projects than I knew what […]

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Disaster Preparedness For Beginners

This is not coming from a survival expert or a seasoned prepper. I myself am barely more than a beginner. Of course, living in Oklahoma, land of tornadoes, wild fires, intense heat and drought, devastating ice storms, large hail and now earthquakes, you generally grow up knowing to be at least somewhat prepared for disaster. […]

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Why Prepare?

The world is a scary place, and so is Oklahoma. Living in Tornado Alley, you learn early on to be ready to take cover at a moment’s notice. Most people around here have their hidey-holes prepped with weather radios, flashlights and batteries and enough food and water and clothes to get them by if their home gets blown away.

Even so, I always took it for granted that if something happened, we’d get by. If I was ready to weather a tornado, then I guess I thought I was ready for anything. Then, in 2007, we had a devastating winter ice storm that blacked out a large portion of the state and left thousands of people stranded with no power, many for as long as several weeks. A lot of people died during that ordeal simply because they weren’t prepared and they turned to unsafe means of trying to stay warm, resulting in fires and carbon monoxide poisoning.

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It’s Not The End Of The World… OR IS IT?!!

I’m starting out the second week of NaNoWriMo about 3,000 words short of where I should be. I was doing great for the first three days, even had a bit of a word cushion built up, but then I decided to take Friday off from writing, since it was already filled to the brim with […]

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Enter Smoochies

Today was a good day for the novel, y’all. Today I FINALLY got my protags together. Yes, I know I’ve posted smoochie-licious snippets from that book here before, but those were FUTURE smoochies from when I impatiently skipped ahead. You guys have no idea how hard it is for me to pace myself and build […]

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NaNoWriMo Tools: Pomodairo

I’ve been having some success lately using the Pomodoro technique to get things done (when I remember to use it, that is). If you don’t know what the Pomodoro technique is, it’s basically just using a kitchen timer to help you stay on task and increase your productivity. Set the timer for 25 minutes, work […]

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NaNoWriMo 2011

Today kicks off the awesome insanity known as National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short), during which millions of brave souls the world over will attempt to write at least 50,000 words of a novel by month’s end. If you’ve been following along here, then you know I had wanted to finish my current WIP, […]

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Spooky Encounters: Demons In My Bed

I was 22 years old and living at home after a stint away at college, and my father had recently passed away. Battling insomnia, I had been lying in bed for hours. As I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling, trying to will my mind to settle down and stop thinking long […]

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