(Cross-posted #)
First, the “Lame Blogger Apologizes For Being Lame By Not Updating” portion of today’s post – sorry, y’all. I wish I could say I’ve been too busy to blog, but the truth is that I just haven’t felt up to it lately. I haven’t felt up to much at all, really. I haven’t been sick with the flu or anything, but it’s been one thing on top of or after another keeping me down. The SAD and allergies I wrote about last time, hormonal wackiness, insomnia and other disordered sleepy-time fun, and inadvertently ingesting things that didn’t want to leave my stomach without a fight have all added up to me spending most of my waking hours on the sofa, wrapped in an afghan and alternately staring unproductively out the window or at my laptop screen. “Bleah” pretty well sums up how I’ve been feeling lately.
Unfortunately (or thankfully, all things considered), business has been pretty slow the last couple of weeks, so I had the luxury of being able to give into the bleah-ness. I did manage to work up a few short bursts of productive energy, during which I added some Halloween and pet items to my Etsy shop, cobbled together a couple of custom backgrounds for both of my Twitter profiles, and offered the latter up as a new Task Wrangler service.
I think I’m starting to get back to normal again, finally. I realized the other day that I haven’t worked out or eaten particularly healthful meals since I started feeling poorly, and that without either of those things I was going to continue to feel poorly, so as of yesterday I’m working out and eating decently healthy things again, and that’s helping. I finally started drafting a formal business plan yesterday, which is helping me feel motivated on that end of things, and I got the approval I’ve been waiting for to start coding on a new web site I designed for a client, so that should help pull me out of this funk. I’m also feeling funky about having barely touched revisions on my novel in the last two weeks, so I’m gonna spend some time on that after I finish this post and eat some (healthy) lunch.
Aside from those things, my goal for the weekend is to shake off the rest of this funk so I can get back to my regular routine by Monday, when I intend to start posting weekly goals again. And also possibly to bake some cookies. Snickerdoodles or peanut butter, I haven’t decided which.
What about you, dear reader? Is it just me, or has this change in season (and mold spore levels) thrown you for a loop as well? And which type of cookie do you prefer? Make me unreasonably happy by weighing in in the comments.
You need soothing tea and husband snuggles.
I can provide neither – would you like fic? 🙂
Fic would be most excellent, yes please thank you.
I long for chocolate chip cookies, but I’m fasting chocolate (I’m praying about something), so peanut butter cookies sound delightful.
I’ve been back and forth lately, and I don’t know if it’s the weather, my hormones, my new medication or what. Bleh. Oooh, I think I need something fruity to drink. Rum. I need rum.
I hope you feel better, sweetie.
I made oatmeal chocolate chunk last weekend, and now we’re all out of chunks. So it’s either peanut butter or snickerdoodles, unless I go to the store. I’m leaning toward peanut butter.
Rum sounds good too right now. With vanilla Coke.
Hope you feel better too, sweetie.
As it is the autumnal season I recommend dry roasted peanuts mixed with candy corn. It’ll cure what ails ya.
Oooh! I’mma have to try that soonest.
Ragweed makes me slow and tired.
I love Snickerdoodles hot from the oven, but peanut butter cookies are good any time.
I never got around to the cookies, which is probably for the best, as sugar would just make me feel worse. But I am feeling mostly better, save for a dull, constant, allergy-related headache. Stupid allergies.